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Sep 2, 20238 min read

Boost Sales with Free WhatsApp Link Generator

Updated onSep 2, 20238 min read
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BotPenguin AI Chatbot Maker

    Table of Contents

  • What is a WhatsApp Link Generator and Why Use it for Sales?
  • The BotPenguin WhatsApp Link Generator
  • How to create a WhatsApp link for increasing sales?
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  • Step 1: Creating a WhatsApp Link
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  • Step 2: Implementing WhatsApp Link for Sales
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  • Best Practices for WhatsApp Link Usage
  • Conclusion
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  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
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Want an easy way to drive more sales on WhatsApp? We've got you covered! 

Connecting customers to your online store can be a hassle on WhatsApp without seamless product links.

But using our simple 2-step approach, you can create optimized WhatsApp links to showcase your catalogs, offers, and inventory to boost conversions.

In this post, we'll walk through exactly how to get your WhatsApp link working flawlessly. 

Let's unlock the power of WhatsApp links together!

We'll explore how optimized links can skyrocket sales and move customers seamlessly from chat to checkout. 

What is a WhatsApp Link Generator and Why Use it for Sales?

What is a WhatsApp Link Generator and Why Use it for Sales?

WhatsApp Link Generator is a powerful tool that allows you to create clickable links, directing users to initiate a conversation with you directly on WhatsApp. It eliminates the hassle of manually exchanging phone numbers and streamlines communication.

It has become a game-changer for businesses worldwide. Equipping seamless communication facilitates instant customer interaction and opens doors to unprecedented sales opportunities.

You can use whatsapp links for sales for the following reasons mentioned below: 

Increasing Customer Engagement

WhatsApp Link lets you connect with your customers directly, enabling personalized interactions and fostering a sense of trust and loyalty. You can establish stronger relationships and enhance their overall experience by engaging customers on their preferred communication platform.

Enhancing Communication and Convenience

With WhatsApp Link, customers can initiate conversations with you effortlessly, eliminating communication barriers. This convenience encourages customers to reach out, ask questions, and make purchasing decisions more promptly.

Expanding Reach and Accessibility

WhatsApp has a massive user base, making it a fantastic platform to expand your reach. By leveraging WhatsApp Link, you can tap into this vast audience and make your products or services more accessible to potential customers.

The BotPenguin WhatsApp Link Generator

The BotPenguin WhatsApp Link Generator

We recommend using the BotPenguin WhatsApp Link Generator among the available WhatsApp Link Generators. Its intuitive interface, customization options, and reliable performance make it ideal for optimizing your sales potential.

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How to create a WhatsApp link for increasing sales?

How to create a WhatsApp link for increasing sales?

In this section, we’ll see all about how to increase sales through the whatsapp link. 

A Whatsapp link is essential to increase sales, boost conversion, and streamline communication. So let's see how to do it in easy steps:

Before we dive into the creation process, let's take a moment to understand the structure of a WhatsApp link. WhatsApp link has two main components: the base URL and the parameters. The base URL is simply, followed by the phone number you want to connect with, but without any spaces or special characters.

To enhance the functionality of your WhatsApp link, you can include specific parameters. These parameters allow you to pre-fill a message, add a custom text, or redirect users to a particular WhatsApp contact or group.

Let's explore the key parameters you can use:

Phone Number: This is the primary parameter and acts as the foundation of the WhatsApp link. It should be in the international format, without any leading zeros or plus signs.

Pre-filling a Message: Using the text parameter, you can pre-fill a message that will appear when someone clicks the WhatsApp link. It can help initiate a conversation or provide context.

Custom Text: With the text parameter, you can add custom text within the WhatsApp link. It allows you to create more engaging and personalized invitations or calls to action.

Redirect to a Contact or Group: By including the contact or group parameter, you can redirect users to a specific contact or group within WhatsApp. It can be handy for business purposes or directing users to relevant conversations.

Creating a WhatsApp Link Using BotPenguin’s FREE WhatsApp Link Generator

Following are the steps to create a FREE WhatsApp Link:

Creating a WhatsApp Link Using BotPenguin’s FREE WhatsApp Link Generator

Step 1: Visit the BotPenguin WhatsApp Link Generator

Head over to the BotPenguin website and navigate to their WhatsApp Link Generator tool. You can find it at

Step 2: Enter the Required Information 

In the WhatsApp Link Generator tool, you'll find input fields to enter the phone number, pre-filled message (optional), custom text (optional), and contact or group (optional). Fill in the relevant details as per your requirements.

Step 3: Generate Your WhatsApp Link

Once you've entered the necessary information, click the "Generate" button. Voila! BotPenguin will generate your custom WhatsApp link instantly.

Step 4: Copy and Share Your WhatsApp Link

The final step is to copy and share the generated WhatsApp link with your intended audience. You can place it on your website, social media profiles, email signatures, or anywhere you want to facilitate accessible communication.

That's it! You've successfully created your very own WhatsApp link using BotPenguin. Now, sit back and watch as your contacts effortlessly connect with you via WhatsApp.

Step 2: Implementing WhatsApp Link for Sales

This section will explore ways to integrate WhatsApp links into your marketing efforts.

Here’s an elaborate look at how you can use it on your website, on social media, and for email marketing. 

Placing WhatsApp Buttons: Add WhatsApp buttons or icons on your website to make it easy for visitors to initiate a conversation with you. Position them strategically where they are apparent, such as in the header, footer, or sidebar.

Click-to-Chat Links: Create links that automatically open a chat window with a predefined message when clicked. These links can be embedded within your website's text or buttons, allowing visitors to engage with you directly.

Contact Forms: Enhance your website's contact forms by allowing visitors to contact you via WhatsApp. It can be a checkbox or a separate field where they can enter their phone number for WhatsApp communication.

Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing

Engaging Social Media Posts: Craft compelling posts on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, promoting your products or services and encouraging users to reach out through WhatsApp. Include a WhatsApp link in your post captions or use WhatsApp's click-to-chat feature.

WhatsApp Status Updates: You can leverage WhatsApp's status feature to showcase your latest offerings or promotions. Provide a call-to-action that prompts viewers to message you on WhatsApp for further details.

Social Media Ads: When running paid advertisements on social media, consider using WhatsApp links as your call to action instead of a traditional website link. It directs potential customers straight to a conversation, increasing the chances of conversion.

Incorporating WhatsApp Link in Email Campaigns

Email Signature: Include your WhatsApp link in your email signature to make contacting recipients instantly easy. This personal touch can foster better communication and build trust with your audience.

Promotional Emails: When sending promotional emails, highlight the option to connect through WhatsApp for personalized assistance or inquiries. Add a clickable WhatsApp link or a button that leads directly to a chat window.

Abandoned Cart Emails: For e-commerce businesses, leverage abandoned cart emails to re-engage potential customers. Include a WhatsApp link in these emails to offer support, answer questions, and encourage completing the purchase.

Suggested Reading: Whatsapp Link Generator: What is it and How does it work?

Best Practices for WhatsApp Link Usage

To maximize the effectiveness of your WhatsApp links, consider implementing these best practices tailored to your target audience.

Customizing WhatsApp Links for Target Audience

Personalization: Tailor your WhatsApp link messages based on your target audience's needs and preferences. Craft compelling messages that resonate with them, offering personalized assistance or exclusive deals.

Language and Tone: Use language and tone that aligns with your brand voice and the expectations of your target audience. Be friendly, professional, and approachable to create a positive interaction.

Optimizing Call-to-Action (CTA) for Maximum Impact

Clear and Concise CTAs: Make your call-to-action clear, concise, and compelling. Then try to create a sense of urgency to encourage immediate action.

Placement and Visibility: Position your WhatsApp links and CTAs prominently on your website, social media posts, and email campaigns. Ensure they stand out visually and catch the user's attention.

Tracking and Analyzing WhatsApp Link Performance

UTM Parameters: Use UTM parameters to track the performance of your WhatsApp links. Append relevant UTM parameters to your WhatsApp links for measuring the effectiveness of different marketing channels or campaigns.

Analytics and Conversion Tracking: Leverage analytics tools or WhatsApp Business API to track conversions, engagements, and customer interactions. Analyze the data to gain insights into your link performance and make informed optimizations.


Using WhatsApp links to increase sales threefold is easier than ever. Following the two simple steps outlined above, you can tap into the power of direct communication, personalized assistance, and seamless customer engagement.

Ready to take your WhatsApp outreach one step further? Let us introduce you to BotPenguin.

WhatsApp Links generator

WhatsApp chatbots, WhatsApp Widgets, you name it; we’ve got everything you need for the ultimate customer experience on WhatsApp. 

At BotPenguin, we provide no-code WhatsApp chatbots to take your CX to the next level. Our omnichannel chatbot seamlessly handles inquiries across 55+ channels. With easy implementation and awesome live chat, we empower effective automation.

BotPenguin's AI-powered virtual agent delivers round the clock automated customer support. It facilitates lead gen, scheduling, and marketing automation to boost efficiency. We ensure compliant, personalized interactions drive satisfaction and loyalty. 

Say goodbye to costly, inconsistent manual processes. The future is automated - and BotPenguin leads the way. Our flexible, easy-to-use platform enables world-class automated CX. Contact us to learn more and transform your customer journey today!

FREE WhatsApp Link Generator For You!
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How do WhatsApp links contribute to a threefold increase in sales?

WhatsApp links give a direct and personalized contact route with clients, resulting in greater engagement and conversion rates. 

Do the latest data support the effectiveness of WhatsApp links in driving sales growth?

According to recent research, companies that use WhatsApp links have seen a spectacular rise in sales. These figures demonstrate how effectively WhatsApp connections grab customers' attention and promote speedy decision-making.

What two easy steps are required to create and utilize WhatsApp links for increased sales effectively?

The first step is creating a WhatsApp link with a personalized message using your company phone number. The second stage is to make the WhatsApp link widely accessible to potential buyers by promoting it via multiple channels, including social media, email marketing, and website integration.

How do WhatsApp links enable personalized interactions and seamless user experiences, increasing customer engagement and conversion rates?

Customers can interact directly with companies through WhatsApp links. It allows businesses for real-time chats, specialized help, and fast information exchange. Its tailored and seamless experience stimulates interaction, builds trust, and increases conversion rates.

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Table of Contents

  • What is a WhatsApp Link Generator and Why Use it for Sales?
  • The BotPenguin WhatsApp Link Generator
  • How to create a WhatsApp link for increasing sales?
  • arrow
  • Step 1: Creating a WhatsApp Link
  • arrow
  • Step 2: Implementing WhatsApp Link for Sales
  • arrow
  • Best Practices for WhatsApp Link Usage
  • Conclusion
  • arrow
  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)