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Sell whitelabel ChatGPT chatbots have the Generative AI advantage

Our chatbots have in-demand AI features such as natural language processing, intent detection, keyword responses, chat flows, and multilingual capabilities. It sells like hotcakes.

ChatGPT chatbots can perform human conversations, making customer interaction understandable and fun.

The AI chatbots read along the lines of texts and offer support according to customers’ intent.

ChatGPT chatbots maintain conversation context, leading to clearer and more relevant responses.

Use generative AI to create engaging and creative content, such as jokes, stories, or promotional messages.

AI chatbots are globally applicable. They can adapt to any demographic in a second and talk to them in their language.

The best part is Chatbots powered by ChatGPT continuously learn from interactions, improving their responses with time.

BotPenguin AI Chatbot Maker

Our whitelabel ChatGPT chatbots are as easy to sell as lemonades on a hot day

From chatbot creation to support, BotPenguin handles everything. You just have to brand, price, and market.

Ready-to-use white-label ChatGPT chatbots for easy selling, with customizable features and pricing to match your specific requirements.

Our advanced ChatGPT chatbot can beat competitors offering basic bot solutions, making your chatbot attractive to businesses seeking high-quality AI capabilities.

Acquire ready-to-deploy whitelabel chatbots with customized features. Become a ChatGPT Chatbot provider in minutes.

Standout in the AI solutions market and enhance your brand’s credibility by offering cutting-edge chatGPT-integrated chatbots

You have experienced chatbot builders by your side to tailor your GPT bot solution to fulfill your industry-specific purpose.

Manage your whitelabel chatbot reseller program using key insights from the analytics panel.

BotPenguin AI Chatbot Maker

Excel as a white-label ChatGPT chatbot reseller: Offer bots for industry-specific use cases

Monetize the AI demand by selling whitelabel chatGPT chatbots for various use cases across industries.

BotPenguin AI Chatbot Maker


Alfred-like Concierge ChatGPT can turn anyone into a Batman.

BotPenguin AI Chatbot Maker

Airline Ticketing

Create a chatGPT assistant that serves your customer 24/7.

BotPenguin AI Chatbot Maker

Insurance Claim

Provide hassle-free insurance claim resolution with Conversational UI.

BotPenguin AI Chatbot Maker


Revamp the hiring process with automated application, interview, and onboarding.

BotPenguin AI Chatbot Maker


Send product verticals in the chat, enabling easier selection and purchase.

BotPenguin AI Chatbot Maker


Let your customers provide instant assistance, handle bookings, and offer local recommendations.

BotPenguin AI Chatbot Maker

Health Care

Appointments, reports, and prescriptions all come to chat for accessibility.

BotPenguin AI Chatbot Maker

Real Estate

Use AI-powered bots to qualify high-value leads for real estate business.

BotPenguin AI Chatbot Maker


Redefine Banking with GPT bots- alert, inform, and sell Seamlessly.

BotPenguin AI Chatbot Maker


Chat Automation for financial advisors, investors, and earners.

BotPenguin AI Chatbot Maker


Help customers reach their dream destination with ticket bookings, hotels, and more.

BotPenguin AI Chatbot Maker


Simplify class scheduling, courses, and enrollment with your AI chatbot.

Make profits with our whitelabel ChatGPT chatbot

Why choose BotPenguin for whitelabel ChatGPT development

We are dedicated chatbot developers with years of experience creating chatbots powered by generative AI and NLP for businesses of all sizes.

Cutting-edge technology

Our ChatGPT integrated chatbots use the most advanced AI language model, ensuring you offer the latest in conversational AI to your clients.

Customization and design

We understand your needs, be it branding, data security, or integrations with existing apps. Our UI/UX designers create interfaces that reflect your brand.


Whether your clients are startups or large enterprises, our chatbots can scale to meet their growing demands.

BotPenguin AI Chatbot Maker

Global expertise

We have a diverse client base across leading industries utilizing our solutions.

Model integration

We integrate your preferred generative AI model into your current systems, platforms, or applications using APIs or software development.

Dependable support

We provide comprehensive support, ensuring your success as a white-label provider and your client’s satisfaction.

BotPenguin AI Chatbot Maker

Get your whitelabel ChatGPT chatbots without coding in Just Two Clicks

The time to move is now. May The Force Be with You.

BotPenguin AI Chatbot MakerClick 1: Take the leap of faith, press “Contact Us”
BotPenguin AI Chatbot MakerFill in your details. Introduce yourself.
BotPenguin AI Chatbot MakerClick 2: “Submit.” Hurray, easy does it.
BotPenguin AI Chatbot Maker

Join our AI chatbots partnership programs for growth and earnings

We have more business opportunities beyond Whitelabel ChatGPT bots: Use your smarts to market AI chatbots to a wide customer base.

Join our Affiliate Program and market the ready-to-use conversational AI chatbots to earn a generous 20% commission. Offer a potent solution with 60+ integrations, a unified inbox, support for WhatsApp, FB, Website, and Telegram, plus 40+ templates.

Partner with us to implement conversational AI chatbots. We provide project planning, configuration, expert tech support, and implementation revenue.

Our expert team can assist in crafting, scaling, or advancing your LLM and NLP Chatbots. Rely on our years of expertise for invaluable insights and guidance.

Be a part of our family as a whitelabel chatbot reseller partner. Your brand, your revenue. We take no commission on chatbot sales. Earn uncapped with your AI chatbot.

BotPenguin AI Chatbot Maker

Frequently Asked Questions

Whitelabel ChatGPT Chatbot allows you to add your own branding, style, and flavor to ChatGPT to deliver a special experience to your customers while riding on the GPT wave. With custom branding, robust foundations, and additional features, you can ride the GPT wave and monetize your chatbot.

BotPenguin is a trusted provider of end-to-end chatbot solutions. We offer customization, efficiency, global expertise, ChatGPT grit, and dependable support for all your chat automation needs.

BotPenguin offers a variety of plugins for ChatGPT, including Concierge, Airline Ticketing, Insurance Claims, Recruitment, eCommerce, Hospitality, Health Care, Real Estate, Banking, Finance, Tourism, and Education.

BotPenguin offers AI Chatbots, ChatGPT NLP Chatbots, ChatGPT Plugins and ChatGPT Clones, Custom Chat Automation Solutions, Chatbot, Conversational UX, ChatGPT consultation, and Chatbot Reseller Programs.

Yes, you can add your style and voice to ChatGPT with custom branding options offered by BotPenguin.

Our Whitelabel ChatGPT chatbots are developed with the highest data privacy and security standards. You can rely on BotPenguin's data security measures and integrations with existing apps to ensure safe and secure customer communication.

White Label ChatGPT chatbots can benefit various industries, including airlines, insurance, recruitment, eCommerce, hospitality, healthcare, real estate, banking, finance, tourism, and education.

Pricing varies depending on the specific solution and customization required. BotPenguin offers a variety of pricing plans, including a FREE FOREVER plan for AI Chatbots. Please contact us for more details.

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WhiteLabel ChatGPT chatbots: Offer AI chatbot solutions businesses needs