"Their ability to execute in a timely manner. If you want to start an AI Chatbot business then this is the place. - They have a great work environment, and know how important it is to be efficient."
- Gustav Louv
5-Star Rating
Unlimited Subaccounts
Unlimited Chatbots
Unbeatable Value at Excellent Price
Starts at $150 per annum
Baby Plan
Partner Revenue Share
What do you get?
Essential Platforms
Unlimited Customer Accounts/Sub Accounts/Chatbots
Partner Onboarding, Training & Support
10 Client Chatbot Setup Support
$3000 Auto Tier Upgrade (If you hit this revenue)
Little Plan
Partner Revenue Share
What do you get?
Essential Platforms
Unlimited Customer Accounts/Sub Accounts/Chatbots
Partner Onboarding, Training & Support
20 Client Chatbot Setup Support
$7000 Auto Tier Upgrade (If you hit this revenue)
King Plan
Partner Revenue Share
What do you get?
Essential Platforms
Unlimited Customer Accounts/Sub Accounts/Chatbots
Partner Onboarding, Training & Support
30 Client Chatbot Setup Support
Partner Marketing Kit
$14,000 Auto Tier Upgrade (If you hit this revenue)
Emperor Plan
Partner Revenue Share
What do you get?
Essential Platforms
1.5 Mn Messages per year
1.5 Mn Conversations per year
6 Client Chatbot Setup Support
Advanced Subscriptions Management
Partner Marketing Kit
Delivering value, earning trust. Hear good words about BotPenguin on these platforms.