10 Stunning WhatsApp Templates Examples for Businesses


Updated at Jul 1, 2024

10 min to read

BotPenguin AI Chatbot maker

Rahul Gupta

Assistant Marketing Manager, BotPenguin

BotPenguin Blogs


Businesses are constantly seeking innovative ways to captivate their audiences and forge lasting connections. 

According to a recent study by Hootsuite, companies that leverage visually appealing and well-crafted WhatsApp templates experience a remarkable 45% increase in customer engagement rates. 

With also a 28% boost in overall sales compared to those relying on traditional marketing channels (Source: Hootsuite, 2024). 

These compelling statistics underscore the importance of creating stunning and attention-grabbing WhatsApp templates. As it is essential to resonate with audiences and drive meaningful interactions.

By exploring and implementing the latest trends in WhatsApp template design, companies can elevate their brand presence, and captivate their audiences.

So let’s cut short and see the eleven stunning WhatsApp templates examples for businesses. 

Why Use WhatsApp Templates for Business?

Why Use WhatsApp Templates for Business?

Texting on WhatsApp is almost like chatting with a friend. Now, imagine your business could do that too. Get messages punched out that feel personal and direct. 

That's where WhatsApp templates come into play. They're pre-prepared messages that cut straight to the point, helping businesses chat with customers without sounding like a robot. 

Let's dive into why they could be a game-changer for your business.

Increased Open Rates & Engagement

Think about it. When you see a message notification, you're quick to check it, right? 

WhatsApp has this amazing way of grabbing attention. By using WhatsApp templates, businesses tap into this superpower. 

These aren't just any messages; they're crafted to catch the eye, making it more likely for your message to be read. 

No beating around the bush, WhatsApp template examples show how to make messages feel like they're just for the reader, boosting that connection and keeping them engaged.

Improved Customer Experience & Convenience

Improved Customer Experience & Convenience

Nobody likes waiting, especially not customers. This is where WhatsApp templates shine. They make replies swift and effective. 

Plus, these templates can offer help before a customer even asks for it. It's like reading their mind and serving what they need on a silver platter. Now, who wouldn't love that kind of service?

Boost Sales & Conversions

This is where the magic happens. WhatsApp templates aren't just about chatting; they're strategic tools to nudge customers along. 

With the right WhatsApp template message example, businesses can gently guide customers from "just looking" to "take my money." 

It's about being there, right in their chat list, with offers or reminders that are too good to ignore. It’s direct, personal, and incredibly effective at turning interest into action.

Let’s get real for a moment. What business doesn't want to boost its sales and make the customer experience as smooth as silk? 

With WhatsApp business message templates, it's not just a dream. It’s doable. It's about sending the right message at the right time. 

Making each customer feel special, understood, and taken care of, without creating extra work for your team. 

It's smart, it's efficient, and frankly, it's how modern businesses are winning the game.

Top 10 WhatsApp Template Examples You Can't Miss

WhatsApp Template Examples You Can't Miss
Source: Zoho Cares

To help you get the convo started right, here are some must-try WhatsApp template examples.

1. Welcome Message Template (New Customer Onboarding)

Nothing says "we’re glad you’re here" better than a warm welcome. Let’s break it down.

Personalize the Greeting

"Hey [Name]! Welcome to [Brand]. We’re super excited to have you with us."

Highlight Key Information & Benefits

“Did you know you get free shipping on your first order? Plus, our support team is here for you 24/7.”

Include a Call to Action (CTA)

“Tap here to check out our welcome guide. Happy shopping!”

2. Order Confirmation & Tracking Template

Order Confirmation & Tracking Template

Once an order zooms off, your customer’s eyes are glued to their screen, waiting for updates. Let’s keep them informed and happy.

Order Details & Confirmation

“Hi [Name], your order [#123456] is ready to roll! You’ve scored [Item Details].”

Real-Time Tracking Updates (Optional)

“If you're curious where your package is at, click here for live tracking. whispers It’s getting closer!”

Estimated Delivery Window

“Mark your calendar! Your goodies are expected to land at your doorstep between [Date] and [Date].”


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3. Appointment Reminder & Booking Confirmation Template

 Appointment Reminder & Booking Confirmation Template

Sometimes a simple message makes all the difference. Want your clients to remember their appointment without the hassle? Send a quick note right on WhatsApp:

Appointment Details & Confirmation

"Hey! Just a quick reminder that your appointment is all set for Friday at 10 AM. See you soon!"

Option to Reschedule or Cancel (if applicable)

"Can't make it? No problem! Click here to reschedule or cancel. We're flexible!"

Location & Contact Information

"We’re located at 200 Fun Street, Adventure City. Any questions? Call us at 101-202-3030."

4. Re-Engagement Template (For Dormant Customers)

. Re-Engagement Template (For Dormant Customers)

Has it been a while since your last customer interaction? A friendly nudge could bring them right back. Here’s an effortless way to get your past customers excited again:

Friendly Re-Introduction & Relevancy

"Hey there! We've missed you and thought you might like to see what's new this season. We've got lots of exciting updates!"

Exclusive Offer or Discount

"To welcome you back, here’s a special 15% discount just for you. Enjoy shopping with us again!"

Clear CTA to Re-ignite Interest

"Ready to dive back in? Click here to explore and claim your discount. Let’s get you back to where the fun happens!"


Suggested Reading: 
Examples of High Converting WhatsApp Messaging Templates


5. Feedback & Review Request Template

After providing a stellar service or product, gathering feedback is your key to improvement. Make it easy for your customers with this simple ask:

Express Appreciation & Value Feedback

"Thank you for choosing us! We’d love to hear about your experience. Your feedback helps us improve."

Include a Link to Review Platform (Optional)

"Loved our service? We would be thrilled if you could leave us a review here [link]. It helps a lot!"

Keep it Short & Easy

"Got a minute? A quick review would be amazing. Just hit the link, share your thoughts, and voila!"

6. Payment Confirmation & Reminder Template

Payment Confirmation & Reminder Template

When it comes to payments, clarity is non-negotiable. Nobody likes confusion about whether their money's come or gone. Let's keep it crystal.

Clear Payment Confirmation & Details

"Hey there! Just a quick heads-up: your payment of $50 for your yoga membership has been received. High-five! You're all set for a month of zen and bend."

Simple, right? Repeat after me: I paid, they know, all good. Easy as pie.

Option to View Receipt (Optional)

"And if you love holding onto records, good news! Your receipt is ready. Peek at it right here. 'Cause knowing where your cash is going is pretty neat, ain't it?"

Stuff gets lost, we get that. A link to their receipt keeps things tidy.

Include Payment Due Date (if applicable)

"Not yet paid up? No sweat. Just a nudge that your next bill is due by June 1st. Keep things smooth and avoid that 'oops' moment!"

Deadlines keep the world turning. Gently remind them, and watch punctuality soar.

7. Promotional Offer & Discount Template

Promotional Offer & Discount Template

Who doesn't love a sweet deal? Light up your client's eyes with a tempting offer. Just lay it out nice and bright.

Highlight the Offer & its Benefits

"Guess what? You've snagged a 30% discount on all our handmade soaps! Why? 'Cause your skin deserves a treat, and so does your wallet."

Tell them what's up for grabs and why it's a winner. It's like dangling candy in front of a baby.

Include a Clear Expiry Date (if applicable)

"Just a little heads up—this yummy deal melts away after May 15th. Don't let it slip through your fingers!"

An end date puts a tiny rocket under them.

8. Support Ticket Update Template

8. Support Ticket Update Template

Help's on the way, and letting them know can turn a frown upside down. This is for when things get bumpy.

Acknowledge Receipt of Inquiry

"Got your note about the glitchy app. Oops! 

We've grabbed it and are on it like white on rice. You're in safe hands, promised!"

A quick 'we got you' keeps the panic at bay.

Provide Estimated Resolution Time Frame

"We're looking to squash that bug within two shakes of a lamb's tail—or, you know, 48 hours max. Hang tight!"

Hang onto hope, help's hustling hard.

Offer Additional Support Resources (if applicable)

"While you're waiting, why not visit our help center here? Might have a quick fix for you, or at least some good reads."

Throw a lifeline. You might just make their day a smidge better


Suggested Reading: 
WhatsApp Business Templates: Boosting Your Sales Funnel in 5 Easy Steps


9. Survey & Poll Template

Engage your audience instantly with our Survey & Poll Template for WhatsApp. It's the perfect way to gather feedback, understand customer preferences, or just have some fun.

Keep it Short & Focused on a Single Question

"Hey! Quick one - What's your top pick for our next pizza flavor? A. Spicy Chicken B. Tropical Pineapple C. Classic Pepperoni. Tap your fave!"

We're after a speedy click, not a scroll. One question, in and out.

Offer Multiple Choice Options for Easy Response

Make it a no-brainer. Clicking A, B, or C is way easier than typing out thoughts. 

Plus, it's fun, like a mini-quiz on the go.

Thank Customers for their Input

"Big thanks for sharing your pizza love! Your vote counts. Stay tuned for the winning slice."

A little 'thank you' goes a long way. 

10. Holiday Greeting & Special Hours Template

Holiday Greeting & Special Hours Template

Season's greetings are made easy with our Holiday Greeting & Special Hours Template for WhatsApp. 

Whether you're spreading the festive cheer or updating your loyal customers about changes in business hours, we've got you covered.

Warm Seasonal Greetings & Well Wishes

"Happy Holidays, pizza pals! May your days be merry, bright, and full of delightful bites."

Heartfelt, cheery vibes. That's the goal.

Include any Special Business Hours

"Heads up! We're closing early at 6 PM on New Year's Eve. More time for us to find some pizza to party with too!"

Clear and direct, so no one's left wondering.

Express Appreciation for Customer Loyalty

"Thanks for sharing another year with us. Here's to a more tasty treat in 2024!"

Gratitude is key. 


Suggested Reading: 
How WhatsApp Messaging Templates can Boost Marketing ROI?


Best Practices for Crafting Effective WhatsApp Templates

Best Practices for Crafting Effective WhatsApp Templates

Streamline your customer communication efficiently with our guide on Best Practices for Crafting Effective WhatsApp Templates. 

Cut through the noise with messages that are concise, clear, and compelling. Personalize, engage, and drive action while adhering to WhatsApp's business guidelines.

  • Keep it Concise & Clear: Short. Sweet. To the point. That's how we talk. No endless blabbing or complicated words.
  • Personalize Whenever Possible: Names aren't just names. They make someone feel special. "Hey [Name], ready for your pizza?"
  • Include a Compelling Call to Action (CTA): Guide them on what's next. "Click here," "Vote now," "Grab this deal." It's like drawing a map to treasure. Everyone loves finding treasure.
  • Abide by WhatsApp Business Messaging Guidelines: Stick to the rules. No spammy behavior or messaging at odd hours. It's about being a good guest in someone's inbox.


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In conclusion, leveraging WhatsApp template examples can significantly enhance communication efficiency for businesses. 

By utilizing pre-designed WhatsApp template message examples, companies can ensure consistency, professionalism, and speed in their customer interactions. 

WhatsApp templates provide a structured format for various types of messages, from appointment reminders to order confirmations, making it easier to manage and automate responses.

These templates are especially beneficial for customer service, marketing, and operational updates, streamlining processes and improving customer satisfaction. 

Adopting WhatsApp business message templates can help businesses maintain a high level of engagement with their audience, fostering better relationships and driving growth. 

Overall, incorporating WhatsApp template examples into your business strategy can result in more organized and effective communication. Thus ultimately contributing to the success of your business.


Suggested Reading:
How to Create Meta Approved WhatsApp Messaging Templates?


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What are WhatsApp template messages?

WhatsApp template messages are pre-approved message formats businesses use to send notifications, alerts, and updates to customers who have opted in to receive them.

How can a welcome message template benefit my business?

A welcome message template creates a positive first impression, instantly engages new contacts, and sets the tone for future communication with your brand.

What does a good promotional template look like?

A good promotional template is concise, includes a compelling offer or discount, and has a clear call-to-action, motivating recipients to take immediate action.

Can you give an example of an effective booking confirmation template?

An effective booking confirmation template provides all necessary details (like date, time, and location), reassuring customers their booking is successful and expected.

How does a delivery update template improve customer satisfaction?

A delivery update template keeps customers informed about their order status in real-time, reducing anxiety and building trust in your brand's reliability and transparency.


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Table of Contents

BotPenguin AI Chatbot maker
  • Introduction
  • BotPenguin AI Chatbot maker
  • Why Use WhatsApp Templates for Business?
  • BotPenguin AI Chatbot maker
  • Top 10 WhatsApp Template Examples You Can't Miss
  • Best Practices for Crafting Effective WhatsApp Templates
  • Conclusion
  • BotPenguin AI Chatbot maker
  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)