What are WhatsApp Newsletters and How to Use Them?


Updated at Sep 20, 2024

10 min to read

BotPenguin AI Chatbot maker

Rahul Gupta

Assistant Marketing Manager, BotPenguin

BotPenguin AI Chatbot maker


WhatsApp newsletters are a powerful tool for businesses to engage with their audience directly through the WhatsApp platform. 

Utilizing a WhatsApp newsletter tool, companies can send updates, promotions, and valuable content straight to their subscribers' chats. Integrating a WhatsApp chatbot enhances this process by automating responses and managing subscriber interactions efficiently. 

This article explores how to set up and effectively use WhatsApp newsletters to boost customer engagement and streamline communication, leveraging the platform's convenience and widespread use. 

Discover how to maximize the potential of WhatsApp newsletter tools for your business and target 100k+ customers at once. 

What are WhatsApp Newsletters?

What are WhatsApp Newsletters?
Source: Trengo

WhatsApp newsletters refer to mass messages sent to subscribers to advertise and provide them with information about products and services. 

Although WhatsApp newsletters are similar to Email newsletters, using them raises the possibility of better engagement rates.

How To Use WhatsApp Newsletters?

Using WhatsApp newsletters is simple, but getting started might feel overwhelming. You can use the below step-by-step guide:

  • Basic setup: Create a WhatsApp Business Account to manage your newsletters professionally. You can only send a newsletter broadcast to 256 people at once. 
  • Promotion: Promote Your Newsletter by sending a simple message or scanning a QR code.
  • Organize Contacts with Labels: Use labels in WhatsApp Business to categorize your contacts based on interests, demographics, or any other relevant criteria.
  • Set Up Broadcast Lists: Go to the WhatsApp Business app, click on the three dots in the upper right corner, and select "New Broadcast". Add contacts from your list to the broadcast group. Name your broadcast list for easy reference. 
  • Create and Send Your Newsletter: Compose your message using text, images, videos, or links to make it engaging. Send your message through the broadcast list. Each recipient will receive it as a direct message, maintaining their privacy.

How to Send WhatsApp Business Newsletters To More than 100k Contacts?

Moving ahead of the simple WhatsApp newsletter tools, you can use WhatsApp chatbots with access to WhatsApp business APIs. Here’s how it goes. 

  • WhatsApp Business API: Utilize a WhatsApp chatbot platform with WhatsApp Business API to send bulk messages to thousands of contacts. 
  • Create Your Contact List: You can manually create or import contacts from other platforms. 
  • Segment the Broadcast List: Add tags, create groups, etc., to enable targeted bulk messaging. 
  • Schedule Your Broadcast: Finally, plan the right time to trigger your broadcast and nurture your customers. 

These are the general steps followed by most WhatsApp Chatbot platforms. In actual usage, the work the workflow might differ. 

How WhatsApp Newsletters Differ from Traditional Newsletters

How WhatsApp Newsletters Differ from Traditional Newsletters
Source: Hello Charles

WhatsApp Newsletters offer instant, mobile-friendly updates. They are highly engaging, personalized, and delivered instantly. 

The most prominent differences that provide an edge to WhatsApp newsletters over traditional newsletters are:

Prompt Delivery

Traditional newsletters may need to be included, unlike the ones done on WhatsApp, which instantly become visible after they are sent. 

This way, all the proposed information will be delivered directly to those needing it. 

High Engagement

People open their WhatsApp messages almost immediately, making it more likely for recipients to open and engage with your Newsletter. 

More than 98% of the users are likely to open their WhatsApp messages as soon as they receive them.


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Personal Touch

Compared to emails and other traditional methods, WhatsApp gives one a sense of belongingness and thus makes one feel loved when receiving messages from there instead of others such as emails. 

Thus, the WhatsApp newsletter is an effective tool for building robust customer relationships. 

Key Features of WhatsApp Newsletters

Key Features of WhatsApp Newsletters
Source: SleekFlow

WhatsApp Newsletters offer a wide range of features to both businesses and individuals. 

Businesses can impact their subscribers more deeply while individuals enjoy a better reading experience. The features that make it happen through WhatsApp Newsletters are:

Easy Subscription

Subscribing to a WhatsApp business Newsletter is easy. 

All you need to do is click on your favorite WhatsApp newsletter in the WhatsApp mobile app or through a subscription link. 

Multimedia Integration

The WhatsApp newsletter can do not only what a text-only email can, but also leverage multimedia features like images, videos, or voice notes to make your content richer and more engaging.

High Open Rates

WhatsApp messages boast an open rate of around 98%, significantly higher than email newsletters, which average about 20%. 

Consequently, your WhatsApp newsletters will be seen and acted upon more than traditional email newsletters.

Automation with a WhatsApp Chatbot

Automation with a WhatsApp Chatbot

To deliver your newsletter, you can use a WhatsApp chatbot for automation. 

A WhatsApp chatbot would facilitate subscriptions, send automated scheduled messages, and answer frequently asked questions (FAQs). 

Analytics and Insights

Metrics like open rates, click rates, and subscriber growth can all be tracked by the correct WhatsApp newsletter tool. 

These insights allow you to fine-tune your content or strategy to meet your audience's needs better.

Benefits of Using WhatsApp Newsletters

Benefits of Using WhatsApp Newsletters

Adopting better engagement practices ultimately leads to better results. Switching to WhatsApp Newsletters from your traditional newsletters opens a wide range of opportunities:

Enhanced Customer Engagement

Through  WhatsApp newsletter tool customer engagement is boosted. Compared to regular emails that usually go unread, WA messages are opened and read rather fast, thus ensuring better reach for updates.

A Whatsapp newsletter tool helps you make your messages unique by using multimedia such as images and videos. This technique keeps your audience engaged while still holding onto attention through an interactive method.

Improved Communication Efficiency

WhatsApp newsletters help streamline communication. It is instant delivery that will ensure your messages reach the subscribers immediately. 

This becomes more important when dealing with time-sensitive updates. 

On WhatsApp, it is easy for customers to reply, thus fostering a two-way communication system. 

Using WhatsApp chatbot further eases the management of responses. Also, this would allow you to save time while ensuring quick replies for your audience.



Cost-Effective Marketing Tool

Marketing costs could run into millions of dollars but with a WhatsApp business newsletter, it can fit even small budgets. 

There is no need for expensive email marketing software or huge advertising budgets.  WhatsApp newsletter tools enable you to communicate with numerous customers at affordable rates.

Real-Time Interaction and Feedback

Among the outstanding benefits of the WhatsApp newsletter tool is real-time interaction. 

Customers respond promptly, providing immediate feedback, which will help you gauge their reactions and tailor content accordingly to better meet their needs.

Integrating WhatsApp Newsletters into Your Marketing Strategy

Integrating WhatsApp Newsletters into Your Marketing Strategy

Marketing strategies today focus on covering all aspects of user experience and businesses’ welfare. 

WhatsApp newsletters can help them solve a bunch of problems that they face in providing instant information to customers and quality output to their business. 

Some ways to integrate WhatsApp newsletters into marketing strategy as a complete beginner are:

Aligning WhatsApp Business Newsletters with Your Marketing Goals

To make the most out of your WhatsApp newsletter tool, aligning it with your marketing goals is crucial. 

Start by identifying what you want to achieve. Are you looking to increase brand awareness, drive sales, or engage more customers? 

Therefore, once you know your goals, ensure your WhatsApp business newsletter content supports them. 

For instance, if you aim to boost sales through this channel, include special offers and product updates in the newsletter. 


Suggested Reading: 
WhatsApp Newsletter vs Traditional Email: Pros and Cons


Cross-Promoting Across Different Channels

Using a WhatsApp newsletter tool does not mean other channels should be ignored. Cross-promoting can amplify your reach. 

Share your WhatsApp subscription link on social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter; embed it on relevant pages on your website; or distribute it via email newsletters.

Measuring the Success of Your WhatsApp Newsletter Campaigns

To monitor the success of your WhatsApp newsletter campaigns, it is important to keep track of them. 

You can use WhatsApp newsletter metrics like open rates, click rates, and engagement levels to monitor these. 

Using WhatsApp Chatbots for Automation

Using WhatsApp Chatbots for Automation

Automation is achieved by including a Whatsapp chatbot for sending newsletters. 

For instance, one can use a chatbot for WhatsApp to manage subscriptions send scheduled messages, or reply to common questions. This reduces time wastage while ensuring that the messages are consistent and timely. 

Plus, chatbots are more than just WhatsApp Newsletter tools, they can manage support, lead generation, & bookings. 

Best Practices for Effective WhatsApp Newsletters

Best Practices for Effective WhatsApp Newsletters
Source: Trengo

After knowing how to use WhatsApp newsletters and how it can help you achieve your goals, you might wonder how to start using it effectively. 

Well, we’ve got you covered. Some common practices that are ideal for almost all kinds of WhatsApp newsletters are:

Personalization and Customization Techniques

  • Use Names: Refer to subscribers by name so that they can feel personally connected.
  • Segment Audience: Using a customer segmentation tool within your WhatsApp newsletter will help divide your customers into different groups based on their interests and behavior.
  • Tailor Content: Send out content that appeals to varied audience groups based on their preferences.

Frequency and Timing of Newsletter Delivery

  • Balance Frequency: Do not spam subscribers with too many emails, once per week is fine for starters. However, it may vary on how interesting is your content. 
  • Optimal Timing: Send mailers regularly, such as adhering to weekly or monthly schedules, so readers always anticipate them.
  • Consistency: Maintain regularity in sending mailers such as adhering to weekly or monthly schedules thereby making readers always anticipate them.


Suggested Reading: 
Best WhatsApp Newsletter Tools for Marketing Success


Ensuring Compliance with Privacy and Data Protection Regulations

  • Get Consent: Always seek recipients' permission before sending them any newsletters.
  • Clear Explanation: transparent on usage terms regarding data collected from them alongside sharing privacy policies with them in simple language.
  • Opt-Out Option: Unsubscribing from email newsletters should be made hassle-free for clients.

Leveraging WhatsApp Chatbots

Posting your newsletters manually might create problems like wastage of time, and risk of errors in posting schedules, etc. 

To further improve your newsletter, consider using a chatbot for WhatsApp:

  • Automate Routine Tasks: A WhatsApp bot can handle tasks such as subscription management or sending scheduled messages relieving you from tedious work.
  • Quick Responses: In giving quick responses to frequently asked questions, bots enhance user experience.
  • Data Collection: To understand subscriber preferences regarding future newsletters, chatbots for WhatsApp gather important data like name, number, devices, location, social profiles etc. 

The Best WhatsApp Newsletters Tools

The Best WhatsApp Newsletters Tools

When it comes to creating a successful WhatsApp newsletter, having the right tools is essential. Here are some recommended software and platforms to help you get started:

WhatsApp Chatbot

WhatsApp Chatbot

A WhatsApp chatbot is a perfect WhatsApp Newsletter Tool. It automates interactions, answers FAQs, and guides users through processes. 

It ensures timely responses, improves customer experience, and efficiently manages large subscriber lists. 

As chatbot platforms have access to WhatsApp Business API, they make it easy for businesses to reach hundreds of customers simultaneously by automating individual or bulk messages.

WhatsApp Bulk Message Tools

WhatsApp bulk message tools allow you to send messages to thousands of contacts simultaneously. 

These tools often include features for scheduling, personalization, and analytics to optimize your campaigns.

WhatsApp Business App

The WhatsApp Business App enables businesses to create a professional presence on WhatsApp. 

It offers features like automated replies, labels for organizing chats, and messaging statistics to track engagement.


Suggested Reading: 
How to Grow Your Subscriber List with WhatsApp Newsletter


Helpful Tutorials and Guides

To make the most of your WhatsApp newsletter tools, it’s helpful to follow tutorials and guides. Here are some resources to consider:

  • WhatsApp Business Blog: The official blog shares tips, case studies, and best practices for using WhatsApp for business activities.
  • YouTube Tutorials: Numerous video tutorials guide one through setting up and optimizing their WhatsApp newsletters. Step-by-step guides are available in channels such as “WhatsApp Business Solutions”.
  • Online Courses: For instance, Udemy and Coursera have courses on how to use WhatsApp chatbots and make newsletters that work. These range from basic to advanced practices.

Content Ideas for WhatsApp Newsletters

Content Ideas for WhatsApp Newsletters
Source: CM.com

WhatsApp newsletters provide you with a better alternative to getting closer to your customers, but it might be difficult without some great content ideas that can draw their attention to your information. 

Some ideas that may help you start your newsletter can be:

Informative Articles and Blog Posts

One great way to use a Whatsapp business newsletter is by sharing informative articles and blog posts. 

Send valuable content directly to your audience through WhatsApp since people love learning new things.

Promotional Offers and Discounts

You can use your WhatsApp business newsletter to share promotional offers and discounts that generate sales and enhance customer loyalty. 

Ensure the promotions are explicit and time-limited to push for immediate reaction. 

Focus on highlighting special deals, exclusive discounts, and limited-time offers. When you send these directly to their phones through subscribers, they can catch their attention, creating interest in your products or services.

Event Announcements and Updates

Make announcements as well as share these updates with your audience. 

A WhatsApp business newsletter is an ideal way of spreading the word about events such as webinars, new product launches, or company milestones that you may be having. 

Customer Stories and Testimonials

Add a personal touch by sharing customer stories and testimonials in your WhatsApp business newsletters. 

People tend to trust what other people say about themselves rather than what companies claim concerning their products. This can help build trust by showing how much difference the products have made. 

Common Challenges and How to Overcome Them

Common Challenges and How to Overcome Them

WhatsApp newsletters may present technical challenges at times. Here are some ways you can use to tackle them:

Technical Issues and Solutions

  • Message Delivery Failures: If the messages are not delivering, ensure your internet connection is okay. 
    Also, keep in mind that there is a limit to how many people one can send messages to through WhatsApp. A WhatsApp newsletter tool can help you manage this limit.
  • Multimedia Problems: Videos or images sometimes fail to load properly. Make sure they are in the correct format and size. Resize larger files so that they can be more portable via WhatsApp.
  • Automation Glitches: If your Whatsapp chatbot is malfunctioning, examine its settings again. Confirm that the bot has been well-coded and integrated to cater to general problems.

Addressing Subscriber Drop-Off

Keeping subscribers engaged is paramount. Some strategies for reducing drop-offs include:

  • Value-Driven Content: Each business newsletter should offer value on WhatsApp. Provide tips, offers, or updates which are relevant to customers.
  • Personalization: Address subscribers’ preferences directly by using their names and customizing messages through a WhatsApp newsletter segmentation tool.
  • Feedback Loop: Find out what customers like or don’t like about your communication by seeking feedback from them on different platforms; then use it to adjust your content accordingly.


Suggested Reading: 
Understanding WhatsApp Newsletter Conversion Metrics


Dealing with Spam and Unsubscribes

A big challenge is spam and unsubscribes. Here’s how to handle them:

  • Clear Consent: Before you put anyone’s name into your WhatsApp newsletter, make sure you have their explicit permission to do so. This will reduce the likelihood of your messages being flagged as spam.
  • Easy Unsubscribe: Allow subscribers a way out if they choose to opt out. This fosters trust and keeps your list active.
  • Quality Content: Make sure the content is top-notch for consistent reductions in unsubscribers. Do not send too many so that subscribers are not overwhelmed.

Community Forums and Support Groups

Connecting with others who are also using WhatsApp newsletters can provide valuable insights and support. Here are some places to join:

WhatsApp Business Community

This is an official community where you can ask questions, share experiences, or learn from other people’s stories.


Platforms like r/WhatsAppBusiness provide spaces where users can share ideas, seek help, or discuss different topics.

Facebook Groups

WhatsApp Marketing for Business is one of the groups with experts who will share what they went through in their career paths.


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WhatsApp Newsletters are a modern approach to addressing your customers' interests, suggestions, and queries. They are a great way to connect with a large audience while providing a personalized experience.

WhatsApp newsletters provide you with features like instant messaging, cost reduction, and real-time interaction. 

However, you can always go one step further by using engaging content and aligning it with your marketing strategy. Adopting best practices while setting up and running your WhatsApp newsletter will always help you be on the right track. 

There are a lot of tools and resources available online to help you deal with the day-to-day challenges you might face while using it. 

Platforms like Reddit and Facebook Groups can be used to know how others use WhatsApp newsletters to connect with their audience. So, starting a WhatsApp newsletter might be a great choice to ease your engagement strategy while rendering a greater experience.

Suggested Reading: 

WhatsApp Conversation: Future of Business Communication

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is a WhatsApp newsletter?

A WhatsApp newsletter is one way of sending people updates, deals, and news via WhatsApp. 

This makes it an effective way to get in touch with the public due to the high rate of interactions seen on this platform.

How do I create a WhatsApp newsletter?

You can use WhatsApp newsletter tools such as third-party platforms or the WhatsApp Business API. 

As a result, you must collect permission from subscribers by segmenting your audience and then sending them engaging personalized content regularly.

What are the benefits of using WhatsApp newsletters?

WhatsApp newsletters offer high open rates, direct delivery, and interactive content alternatives like videos and images. They’re a way of connecting directly with your users personally.

Can I automate my WhatsApp newsletters?

Yes, automation can be done through WhatsApp chatbots and bulk messaging tools. 

These handle subscriptions, schedule messages, and answer common questions, thus making it easier and more efficient.

How do I measure the success of my WhatsApp Business newsletters?

Engagement levels and click rates among others are metrics that you can track using analytics provided by a WhatsApp newsletter tool. 

This information helps in improving your content and overall strategy.


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Table of Contents

BotPenguin AI Chatbot maker
  • Introduction
  • BotPenguin AI Chatbot maker
  • What are WhatsApp Newsletters?
  • BotPenguin AI Chatbot maker
  • How WhatsApp Newsletters Differ from Traditional Newsletters
  • BotPenguin AI Chatbot maker
  • Key Features of WhatsApp Newsletters
  • BotPenguin AI Chatbot maker
  • Benefits of Using WhatsApp Newsletters
  • BotPenguin AI Chatbot maker
  • Integrating WhatsApp Newsletters into Your Marketing Strategy
  • BotPenguin AI Chatbot maker
  • Best Practices for Effective WhatsApp Newsletters
  • BotPenguin AI Chatbot maker
  • The Best WhatsApp Newsletters Tools
  • Helpful Tutorials and Guides
  • BotPenguin AI Chatbot maker
  • Content Ideas for WhatsApp Newsletters
  • BotPenguin AI Chatbot maker
  • Common Challenges and How to Overcome Them
  • BotPenguin AI Chatbot maker
  • Community Forums and Support Groups
  • Conclusion
  • BotPenguin AI Chatbot maker
  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)