Agile CRM Review 2023 - Is it worth the hype?


Updated at Sep 3, 2024

8 min to read

BotPenguin AI Chatbot maker


Content Writer, BotPenguin

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Agile CRM Review: Introduction

The sales cycle is a term used to describe the time taken to convert a lead into a sale. The sales cycle determines the efficiency and effectiveness of sales reps employed by a business. Sales cycles are inversely proportional to the number of sales. 

It is widely known that selling is a part of everyday life; it doesn't matter if you are a sales representative or not you end up selling something. Fundamentally, selling is the process of convincing a person to invest their time and money in a venture or an idea. A top-tier salesman is required in every industry because no one can create a turnover of millions by themselves. 

However, sales are not limited to going door to door or through other conventional means. The market is evolving rapidly due to a new advancement in technology each day. This dynamic nature of the market also alters the needs and wants of consumers.

Here is an example of a dynamic market:

Suppose company A launches a new smartphone processor that outperforms every other processor in the market. Soon, a smartphone manufacturer will start using these chips in their next generation of smartphones. Before you know it, they will be all over the world. With so many products coming up for sales every day, the wants of consumers are rapidly changing and developing. 

Now, this creates a unique opportunity and challenge for businesses. They may struggle to meet their monthly or quarterly sales targets or compromise customer service. Customer experience is vital to customer satisfaction and retention. So what is the solution to this dynamic problem? Whenever businesses face an unprecedented problem, a new trend arrives on the horizon. 

In this case, this trend was CRMs or customer relationship management software. CRMs can keep track of everything that is manually impossible to keep an eye on. CRMs are a single combined interface that works with three or four other software pipelines. The major job of CRMs is to keep track of all customer data by creating a database. They empower business and sales reps by giving them insight into how their ideal prospect thinks. The best deals in history were made because one party knew the other's wants and needs deeply. 

So if you are a business owner that wants to make it into the Fortune 500, you need to get cracking on choosing the right CRM for your company. Let us make this easy for you, take a look at Agile CRM. It is one of the best CRM software platforms for small and large enterprises. Agile CRM has a consumer base of over twenty thousand businesses. 

Working those thinking muscles? Let's give you a break!

Have a look at how you can make sales with ease and provide an optimum customer experience with this Agile CRM review.

Agile CRM Review: What is it all about?

Agile CRM is a customer relationship management software that helps businesses create an ideal sales cycle. It has been serving twenty thousand businesses for the past five years. Agile employs about three hundred employees to enhance their Customer relations software continuously. 

They aim to increase customer engagement and interaction for business with its various set of tools built-in to the interface. Contact management, sales CRM and project management are a few of these tools helping businesses create a name for themselves. 

Agile CRM is mainly aimed at small and medium-sized businesses and corporations. However, it can also act as a robust, united interface for even global conglomerates with customers in every part of the Earth. 

Agile CRM has three major prerogatives for its consumers:

  1. To increase and compound their overall sales quarterly, monthly, or yearly. 
  2. To equip their businesses with the tools to provide an exceptional customer experience. A quality customer experience builds trust and brings in more customers. 
  3. To help business automate their marketing tasks. A variety of scripts can easily accomplish tasks like sending promotional materials to consumers through email. 
  4. These scripts are already present in Agile CRM's interface. Moreover, the dashboard also contains an option to help you create a campaign for email marketing. These marketing emails can be sent automatically by bots or services like MailChimp.

Agile CRM Review: What makes it a worthy contender?

So far, we know what the company is all about and what directives they follow. Here is a detailed list of features and benefits of subscribing to Agile CRM's services. 

Contact management

Agile CRM Contact management

Agile provides a range of contact management options, including adding contacts manually, importing from CSV files, collecting data from the web, and synchronizing with applications (Google, Stripe, Shopify, FreshBooks, and QuickBooks).

Check out their page for further information and integration rules - they've supplied a thorough list of their available connections with top third-party service providers. In summary, adding new contacts to Agile is a simple process that can be completed in minutes! The features are the following:


Social CRM

Your marketing department uses social media to interact with present and potential customers. Because it integrates with social media networks like Twitter and uses a variety of communication tactics to engage with your customer base, the social CRM feature is adaptable.


Project management

A company cannot prosper unless its marketing and sales staff collaborate. Agile's project management tools eliminate misunderstanding. You can ensure that your teams are on the same page and avoid uncertainty regarding tasks or project progress.


Syncing your email and calendar

Gmail, Imap, and Office 365 are the three integration gates offered by Agile for email integration. You can see all of the emails you and your contacts have exchanged on the contact pages. 

Schedule appointments

Agile CRM Schedule appointments

Another significant component of Agile Sales Enablement is online appointment scheduling. Agile has built a user-friendly interface for putting up a scheduling system, given how difficult it is to stick to a meeting schedule. Agile supports Google Calendar, Outlook, and Office 365 integration, allowing you to manage your calendar easily.


Landing page builder

Do you want to take care of all your marketing needs while simultaneously producing a stunning landing page? One of Agile's newest features is the landing page builder, which comes in various enticing styles.



The procedure or pipeline via which deals are moved is referred to as a track. A single company can have many sales tracks, such as b2b deals, b2c deals, VIP offers, and so on. You may create an appropriate track for each part, giving you a lot of flexibility. 

We have a series of milestones inside one track: the condition or stages of the transactions. Agile, for example, already has certain built-in milestones: New, Prospect, Proposal, Won, and Lost.

On the Deals portion of Agile's interface, you can quickly establish new deal tracks. Then, based on the client path you've studied and built, you'll need to add deal milestones. You may start adding deals to the sales track after you've finished constructing it.

Agile CRM Review: Benefits And Drawbacks

Every product has a unique set of features that lead to certain advantages and disadvantages. As a business owner, you need to examine if the advantages outweigh the drawbacks. Investing always comes with a risk; it's in the fine print. Before investing in CRM software for your organization, you must know the whole story. 

Here are the Benefits of Agile CRM

Affordable and Reasonable pricing

Agile CRM can be yours for a measly amount of fifteen dollars a month for the starter package. Other plans go up to eighty dollars per month for the enterprise plan and fifty dollars for the regular one. There is no trial available, but you may create your account on the platform for free. 

Straightforward Email marketing interface

Agile CRM offers one of the most simple and easy-to-use email marketing tools. A simple dashboard combined with a clean user interface makes it one of the best features of Agile CRM. 

Sales pipeline with automation

Agile CRM helps businesses create an automated pipeline that helps them create shorter sales cycles. Short sales cycles lead to more sales in a short period. With the help of an automated sales pipeline, both marketing and sales rep work together to bring their best to the customer. 

Also, Agile CRM makes it easy to handle all your contacts with a clean interface. Agile CRM is just what you need to start if you are a beginner at customer relations. 

Drawbacks Of Agile CRM

  1. Some users had faced issues in email support with Agile CRM. they encountered this error when they were mass-emailing their prospects. The Agile team has noted and has been working on the issue. 
  2. Agile CRM supports limited third-party integration. Many businesses use a lot of different applications and programs from various companies. Facebook Messenger, Slack, and analytical tools are some of the common integrations.
  3. This can be a deal-breaker for businesses if they don't use the mainstream tools. It will all end up in the hassle of continuously managing things from one platform to another. 


After going through all the information above, you can decide about subscribing to Agile CRM. It is one of the most simple and effective CRMs in the industry. Twenty thousand businesses and three hundred team members are a testament to the company's commitment to providing a great customer experience. They are a competent, trustworthy, and sincere group of people that aspire to take your business to new heights with each customer. 

BotPenguin is a similar platform dedicated to providing the best customer service. Go check them out; they are the leaders in the chatbot industry. 

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Table of Contents

BotPenguin AI Chatbot maker
    BotPenguin AI Chatbot maker
  • Agile CRM Review: Introduction
  • Agile CRM Review: What is it all about?
  • BotPenguin AI Chatbot maker
  • Agile CRM Review: What makes it a worthy contender?
  • Agile CRM Review: Benefits And Drawbacks
  • BotPenguin AI Chatbot maker
  • Here are the Benefits of Agile CRM
  • Drawbacks Of Agile CRM
  • Conclusion