Combine BotPenguin with Zingtree integration - customer journeys made easy!
Make your customer decisions easy with interactive decision trees and chatbots. Power your customer journeys with automated live chat and 24X7 automated support
No code Chatbot builder
Free Lifetime Plan
Multi channel Live Chat support
Collaborate with your scripting tools and chatbots to Help your customers make better decisions
Upgrade your customer experience, and boost lead generation through Zingtree Integration
Use cases
Key Features

- Zingtree is a cloud-based software platform that enables call center agents to work from a computer or mobile device. Zingtree's call center software allows users to create scripts for their call center agents, monitor agent performance, and see how individual agents perform. The solution is designed for B2C and B2B organizations in the healthcare, education, finance, and retail industries.
- You can create scripts by using a visual designer or copy them from an existing script library and customize per your needs.
BotPenguin+Zingtree - Be the best by bonding with the best
Tutorial For BotPenguin Integration With Zingtree
connect your chatbot with decision trees with no code in a few clicks

Login to your BotPenguin account & Select the bot that you want to integrate with the 3rd party app and authenticate

Add all the necessary API details and map the response of bot messages to the parameters of API and save the settings.

Send the test lead and check on the CRM if you have received the lead. If yes, Create a genuine lead and check the integration.”
Do You Have Room for More Integrations? The Treat Has Just Begun!
Integrate your Chatbot with 80+ native integrations that fit seamlessly into your chatbot like puzzle pieces in a masterpiece.
Go High Level
Acuity Scheduling
Zoho CRM
Pipedrive CRM
Google Calendar
Google Sheets
and more than 80 tools to integrate