What is a Marketing Qualified Lead and how to calculate it?


Updated at Jul 10, 2024

10 min to read

BotPenguin AI Chatbot maker


Content Writer, BotPenguin

BotPenguin AI Chatbot maker

The marketing team always thinks out of the box to make a company's sales rate go high. They align with different teams and clients to create a seamless customer experience. This quality prospect makes your visitor turn into loyal customers. But sometimes it can be difficult if you don't know about marketing qualified lead and its calculation. Lead qualification is one of the best conversion processes and upholding a brand name.

Think of it this way, your marketing and sales team align with sales to find the high-quality lead at your company. By doing so, they can take the leads to turn into potential sales for your brand without wasting time on non-engaging leads. This lead process that marketers engage in and turn into sales is called marketing qualifies leads.

Each month sales team targets different goals or tries to keep up with new trends, which can be challenging. However, marketing qualified leads can be the solution for it only if you do it correctly.

To know more about marketing qualified leads, continue reading this post.

What is a Marketing Qualified Lead (mql)?

A lead is more likely to become a customer than other leads if they have expressed interest in what a business has to offer as a result of marketing activities. This type of lead is a marketing qualified lead (MQL). 

However, compared to a typical lead, they are more likely to be open to a sales presentation. If you consider your buying process, it would be uncommon for you to provide your actual email address unless you're eager to strike up a dialogue. An MQL is thought to be interested in your goods and services, and you might be able to meet their requirements. 

An MQL is prepared for further interaction after completing the initial steps toward becoming a client. From a very broad standpoint: Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs) become Sales Qualified Leads (SQLs), who ultimately become clients.

The Features of a Marketing Qualified Lead


Fill up forms

For the goal of nurturing visitors' email addresses, the majority of websites contain sign-up forms. A visitor to your website who fills out your form demonstrates interest in what you have to offer. They now have qualified leads for marketing purposes.

Download content

On your website, a marketing qualified lead may receive ebooks or guides in exchange for providing their email address.

Check out product demonstrations.

If you offer software goods on your website and customers ask for the demo, they are interested in trying them out. They are an MQL as a result.

Recurring visits

Do more people frequently visit your website again? It demonstrates their interest in what you have to give and their want to know and respect you more. It is another characteristic of a qualified marketing lead.

Spend time on your website

A marketing qualified lead might browse your website for a while to look at your offerings. It demonstrates their interest in your company and potential to do business with you soon.

How to Calculate Marketing Qualified Leads

You may figure out the worth of an average lead acquired using a certain marketing technique rather than starting with marketing expenditures and working backward.

However, calculating the worth of your leads is more difficult than determining cost: What would you say is value? One long-term indicator is eliminated from most marketers' calculations since less than half of B2Bs track client lifetime value.

Consider these suggestions to get everyone on the same page before you start:

  1. Integrate contact relationship management systems for sales and marketing (CRM).
  2. Compile information on leads from all sources that are accessible.
  3. Make sure lead information is accurate, thorough, and complete.

If you aren't using accurate and clear data, you can't determine the worth of leads. First and foremost, data. You should include the data into your CRM after cleansing and confirming it.

Sales and marketing may talk about how to score leads and qualify the worth of a lead over time based on the available data by using a CRM as a single lead data dashboard.

Metrics are simple for quantity. Determine the number of leads for a certain time. Quality is a different matter. What characteristics best characterize a high-quality lead, according to sales and marketing? It might incorporate:

  1. Source of acquisition
  2. Duration of website visits
  3. Rates of email opens and clicks
  4. Free trial participation
  5. Interaction in chat

When you've established metrics for evaluating quantity and quality, stand back and compute the average cost per lead across all of these measures so you can compare them later.

Do certain marketing initiatives provide higher-quality leads than others? To get your average lead value, start with these:

Lead value is calculated as the Number of Leads or Average Sale $ X Conversion Rate.

 How to qualify an MQL?

It might be challenging to know when to hand off to sales. The prospect can reject them if you send them too soon. If you send them too late, the potential customer may lose interest. Although marketing manages qualifying leads, sales and marketing teams must work together for MQL's success.

For instance, marketing and sales may work together to develop the two specific MQL categories of "hot" and "warm" leads.

  1. Hot MQLs have asked for details, letting you know they want to hear from you. It includes requesting that they download a whitepaper or ebook, give their contact information, and consent to your privacy terms.
  2. Warm MQLS, on the other hand, has not provided its data. The potential customer could have read a blog article or seen an unlocked product video. 

Reps may choose the optimal method for contacting customers when marketing provides sales with classified leads.

Why Do You Need Marketing Qualified Lead?

Marketing has several possible touchpoints with leads, prospects, and members of your target audience before anyone else at your organization does, whether through a content offer, social post, online or in-person event, site page, blog post, subscription, podcast, or ad.

Your company's success depends on the engagement data that results (as well as, if applicable, contact information). It's how your marketing team can effectively go through those prospects based on standards established by your company to find the highest-quality leads.

Once marketing has discovered MQLs for your company, it may pass them on to your sales team. It helps sales move quickly through the first stages of their jobs (such as discovery and prospecting) and gives them leads that marketing believes are worthwhile.

The top-tier prospects are then selected from that list of MQLs by sales after their qualifying procedure.

It not only frees up sales representatives' time but also makes sure that marketing and sales are in sync about issues like who your buyer personas are, what kinds of marketing materials attract the best customers to your company, and more.

How to generate Marketing Qualified Lead (MQLs)?


Include lead magnets in paid ads

Paid advertisements put your company in front of potential clients by having your content appear right at the top of search engine results pages (SERP). The amount of individuals who see your content inevitably increases when you pay for these prominent positions. 

You may draw in more customers by providing incentives for leads to sign up and download your content, such as white papers or ebooks. You may create the groundwork for lead nurturing by combining your offers with landing pages that explain how your company addresses client problem points.

Create valuable blog posts on your website

Utilizing content marketing is the second technique to produce marketing-quality leads. It is one of the greatest tried-and-true methods that deliver outstanding outcomes. For this reason, content marketing is used by 89 percent of b2b marketers. You may get three times as many leads for every dollar invested in content marketing. 

Blog content is one form of content marketing that excels. Good knowledge is quite popular. It is why 20% of internet users read information online, and 68% of individuals read about brands they are interested in. 62 percent of marketers have blogs as a result. 

On blogs, there are four common methods for generating leads. First, readers may join for free materials like checklists and ebooks by entering their email addresses in sign-up boxes. The second is the content upgrade, the third is after post banners, and the fourth is anchor textual CTAs in the blog content leading to where to obtain a free resource.

Align your content marketing strategy with the buyer's journey

Create your marketing efforts based on the client life cycle to ensure that you meet their demands at every stage of the buying process. Feeling confident in your lead management and the caliber of the leads you transfer to the sales team gives you access to additional data before that point.

For instance, if you offer accounting software, you want material that leads buyers through the sales funnel. You may have blog entries on budgeting at the top. You may have gated information regarding the time and money that accounting software can save as a way to nurture the lead.

After registering for the gated subject, you can receive emails with accounting advice that gradually emphasize the usefulness of the accounting software. Finally, a free trial can assist the lead in understanding how easy this service is.

Optimize for SEO

Business blogs receive 49% of their traffic from search engine optimization (SEO), whereas 70% of all web searches use long-tail keywords. Low search volume keywords are known as long-tail keywords. You may increase organic website traffic by using long-tail keywords. It increases the number of marketing-qualified leads for your company. 

To help you rank for keywords that people are searching for, incorporate long-tail keywords into your content. They will feel forced to join your email list after discovering informative content on your website that fulfills their needs.

Host or attend networking events

Hosting and participating in networking events may position your company as a market leader and encourage people to contact you for advice when they have a problem in your area of expertise.

Take, for instance, a marketing platform going to a significant conference. The marketing division may use the conference's networking possibilities to get to know participants and establish their brand as an authority with a fantastic product. The platform provided by their conference acquaintance may come to mind first for those participants when they find their current marketing strategy no longer works for them.

Subtly attract users through social media.

Use social media to draw customers quietly. You may keep in contact with the larger community by developing a strong social media presence. To better suit their demands, you may keep an eye on the trends and passions of your target market. 

By producing interesting material that people want to share on their social media sites, you can also attract customers to your company. Users may share and interact with the page for fun, but they also learn about the business. Followers can get in touch with the travel agency to arrange a vacation.


Every business need flow of marketing qualified leads to stay afloat. To generate MQLs, you can use lead magnets, quality blogs, align marketing strategy, and optimize SEO. You can also attract through social media and by attending networking events. In conclusion, it is important to remember that not every interested user will become a marketing qualified lead. MQL is about using the prospect's intended actions to find if they fit for the lead qualifying by the marketing teams. Lastly, remember that new and unique strategies are required to turn prospects into leads.

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Table of Contents

BotPenguin AI Chatbot maker
  • What is a Marketing Qualified Lead (mql)?
  • BotPenguin AI Chatbot maker
  • The Features of a Marketing Qualified Lead
  • How to Calculate Marketing Qualified Leads
  •  How to qualify an MQL?
  • Why Do You Need Marketing Qualified Lead?
  • BotPenguin AI Chatbot maker
  • How to generate Marketing Qualified Lead (MQLs)?
  • Conclusion