You must have heard about Discord as a popular hanging-out spot or for its amazing bots.
Yes, Discord has a wide range of bots that assist in servers.
To give a brief intro about Discord bots, it is a small software helping to automate certain tasks in the Discord server.
Did you ever think about which bot is a popular Discord bot?
Mee6 the discord bot is the most used Discord bot.
MEE6 Discord bots has popular features and commands for moderation and music.
MEE6 comes into play when there is a heated argument on the server ruining everyone's experience. In such a situation, MEE6 helps in moderating the server by muting, kicking, or banning the troublesome users. The bot identifies and decides on the rules placed by the server owner.
Continue reading to find out more about the top features of the MEE6 Discord bots.
What are Discord Bots?
With programmable devices called "bots," users may automate particular tasks on your Discord server.

For instance, you might develop a bot that monitors every time a user deletes a message or one that automatically rewards users for sending a certain amount of messages.
Discord bots may be programmed to do various tasks on your server.
Introducing Discord bots now causes them to act like other server users. They are invited to the server like any other user, and you must give them access and permission to fulfill your wishes.
What is MEE6 Bot?
One of the greatest discord bot for moderation is MEE6. The MEE6 bot may automatically check the discussion on your Discord server for prohibited language, spam, spoilers, and external links.
After a particular number of offenses over a certain amount of time, you may set up mee6 the discord bot instructions to either silence, kick, or permanently ban a user.
MEE6 may be used for more than just moderating; it can also "level up" members and play music on your servers.
With the premium MEE6 bot, users with a higher "level" of server involvement gain access to restricted server roles.
The premium mee6 the discord bot also includes personalized branding, timed messages, and special instructions.
The starting price for premium MEE6 is $11.95/month. However, you can save money by buying one server for a total of $89.90 throughout a lifetime.
The Top 7 Features of MEE6 Discord Bots
Top 7 Features of MEE6 Discord Bots
1. Welcome New User
The MEE6 bot has the option to greet a new user.
It may provide details on the server policies, details on each channel, details on current or forthcoming events, or details on some significant Discord community-related subject.
Additionally, the mee6 the discord bot may welcome new users to the discord server and offer them positions as soon as they join.
2. Moderation

MEE6 Bot is available for use as an automated moderator. It is used to secure your server and keep spammers off of it.
Occasionally, people engage in contentious debates and post insults, inflammatory links, profane language, and other things that may irritate other users.
MEE6 Bot may automatically arbitrate such conflicts by muting or banning people by the rules stated by the server administrator.
3. Leveling Roles
The discord bots Mee6 leveling system allows the ability to rate people according to their community participation. Depending on the user's involvement in the community, the MEE6 bot may reward them.
The mee6 the discord bot can provide the most active users access to special channels and elevated server privileges as a reward.
4. Messaging and Points

Users may receive XP points from MEE6 Bot when they send a message to keep them engaged and happy.
Users are promoted depending on their XP points. It is possible to adjust the message's difficulty and the maximum amount of XP points that mee6 the discord bot may earn.
The most active users access all private channels and are given varied duties.
5. Create Custom Command
You may construct your custom commands in the MEE6 discord bots dashboard for various uses, including eliminating roles, sending messages in the discord channel, sending private messages as DM, and many more functions.
Apart from Mee6, Try BotPenguin, a great chatbot. It offers chatbot creation for social platforms, websites, WordPress
6. Making Announcement
The MEE6 bot's functionality tends to be quite helpful to content producers. For instance, you may use this bot to alert your server whenever a new video is published to your YouTube channel.
Another content producer may follow suit, and you can quickly notify the server anytime your favorite one starts to broadcast, upload, or post anything using .
You can submit notifications for Mixer and Twitch, publish alerts for Reddit and Twitter, and upload alerts for YouTube.
7. Music Player

The MEE6 bot also lets you control your playlist and play music via a visual music player interface rather than challenging instructions.
With the aid of straightforward visual symbols, the user of the Visual music player may quickly search for a particular song, loop tracks, play, pause, next, or fast-forward. The music is available for uninterrupted streaming around the clock.
Additionally, it enables Discord users to vote for songs and skip them if they don't like them. The song is played via the visual music player from various sources, including Soundcloud, YouTube, Twitch, and more.
With this function, you can also make a music quiz in which the first participant who correctly identifies the song and artist within a set amount of time wins a point.
8. Sharing on Social Media (Bonus)
There is also a MEE6 Bot that shares material on social media automatically. Any content the server owner puts on Reddit, Twitch, YouTube, and other social media platforms is instantly shared with the server's users via MEE6 Bot.
You may also send automatic messages, issue alerts, tell users about events, assign responsibilities to users, and welcome new users.
How to Add MEE6 Bot to Discord Server?

The procedures for installing the MEE6 Bot to a Discord server are relatively easy to follow.
The process for adding the MEE6 Bot to your Discord Server is the same as for adding any other Bots earlier.
Step 1
Perform a Google search for "mee6 the discord bot" or view the MEE6 Bot's official website at "".
Step 2
Click the "Add to Discord" option on the main page. Just click it.
Step 3
The Discord login screen will pop up. Log in to Discord using the credentials for your Discord server.
Step 4
Choose the server you wish to add the MEE6 discord Bots from the list of servers.
Step 5
The MEE6 Bot will now request authorization to govern and manage your Discord Server. Give the required permissions.
Step 6
You have the option of giving MEE6 Bot administrator access or not. Lastly, choose Authorize. The MEE6 Bot has been added to your Discord server successfully.
How to Use MEE6 as a Welcoming Bot in Discord?

Select the "Welcome" option on the MEE6 Dashboard. You will now see the dashboard when you visit the MEE6 website. From this point, you may modify and alter how the bot interacts with your server.
The "Welcome" page gives you the choice of which server channel the bot's greeting messages will appear on and how they are displayed.
You'll need to pay for a premium membership in MEE6 to modify your welcome message further.
It's been decided to use the "general" channel. The welcome message will thus only be broadcast on that channel when a new user signs up for the service.
The content of your welcome message can change, or you can keep to the usual structure.
Scroll down if you want the bot to welcome new members with a private message, give them a position, or write a farewell if they decide to leave your server.
On your MEE6 dashboard, return to this tab whenever you wish to make changes.
Send a join invitation to a new user on the server where MEE6 was previously permitted access.
When a new player joins your server, the bot will automatically broadcast the welcome message in the selected channel if you follow the instructions.
MEE6 Commands
There are many Mee6 Commands such as-
MEE6 Bot Moderator Commands

You may use MEE6 Bot to take on the role of server moderator and guard it against spam, offensive material, excessive emoji use, etc. All of the MEE6 Moderator Commands are shown here:
- !ban - Removes a user's access to the server.
- !tempban - refers to a temporary ban from the server.
- !clear - Based on predetermined rules, delete the message.
- !infractions - Show how many violations the user has committed
- !kick - Removes a user's account from the server.
- !mute - On the server, mutes the user.
- !tempmute - Temporarily mutes the server user with the command tempmute.
- !role-info – Provide details about the particular position
- !server-info - Display details about the active server.
- !slowmode - Turns on or off slowmode.
- !unban - Removes a user's server ban.
- !Unmutes - a server user who has been muted.
- !user-info – Provide information about a particular user
- !warn – Warns a user
MEE6 Bot Music Commands
With the aid of its visual music player, you can also utilize MEE6 Bot to play and control your music playlist.
You can play, stop, search for a song, play next or go back in time with a song, and loop a playlist of songs using the discord bots mee6 music player dashboard without any commands.
You may get your music from sites like Twitch, Soundcloud, and YouTube. Voting and playing a music quiz with your friends are two options if you wish to skip the next song on the list.
All of the MEE6 Bot Music Commands are listed here:
- !play - Plays the music that is in the queue.
- !search - Lookup the music
- !record - Use a voice channel to capture the present discussion.
- !seek - Jump to a specified time in the track by using seek
- !volume - 200 percent increase or reduction in volume.
- !add - Add the music to the queue by typing add.
- !queue - List each song that is currently in the queue.
- !clear-queue - Get rid of every music currently in the queue!
- !skip - Skip the song that is now playing.
- !vote-skip - vote Starting a vote to move on to the following song in the queue is -skip.
- !join - make the mee6 the discord bot join the voice channel by typing join.
- !leave - Cut the voice channel's connection to the mee6 the discord bot
- !stop - Put the song that is playing on hold.
- !start-quiz - Launch a music quiz on the discord channel. This command halts the active music quiz.
- !stop-recording - Pause the recording and retrieve the audio file's URL.
Summing up, MEE6 is a discord bot with multiple commands and functionality that assists and manages the discord server.
Discord bots mee6 has commands for moderation and music for smooth functioning. The features like creating custom commands, moderation, leveling roles, announcements, etc., are really helpful.
The features mentioned in this article are the top features of MEE6 bots. They help increase the audience, keep them engaging in the server, and maintain decorum. If you use MEE6, use these features to enjoy it to its fullest.
Create your own bot, Try BotPenguin!
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What is Mee6 Discord bot?
Mee6 the discord bot designed to help automate tasks and enhance the experience of Discord users.
Discord bots mee6 has a variety of features, including customizable welcome messages, auto-role assignment, moderation tools, and more.
What kind of moderation tools does Mee6 offer?
Mee6 includes a variety of moderation tools to help server owners keep their communities safe and friendly.
These tools include automatic message deletion, custom message filters, and the ability to mute or ban users.
How does Mee6's automatic role assignment function work?
The auto-role assignment feature in discord bots mee6 allows server owners to assign roles to new members automatically based on criteria such as join date, time spent on the server, and more.
This feature helps to streamline the onboarding process for new members.
Is it possible to use Mee6 for playing music on Discord?
Yes, Mee6 includes a music player feature that allows users to play music in Discord voice channels.
This feature supports a variety of sources, including YouTube, SoundCloud, and Twitch.
How does Mee6's Twitch integration functionality operate?
Mee6's Twitch integration feature allows server owners to receive notifications whenever a streamer they follow goes live on Twitch.
This feature also allows for custom messages to be sent when a streamer goes live, and for the bot to display the streamer's current status in Discord.