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Oct 20, 202310 min read

Top 5 Tips for introducing Chatbots to Your Customer Service

Updated onOct 20, 202310 min read
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BotPenguin AI Chatbot Maker

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  • 5 Tips for including chatbots in customer service
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5 Tips for including chatbots in customer service


  1. 5 tips for including chatbots in customer service
  2. Your chatbot should be conversational
  3. Train your chatbot
  4. Consider using Facebook Messenger
  5. Set aside finances for your bot
  6. You must act quickly!


Your chatbot should be conversational

Your chatbots should be conversational

The heart of retail is conversation. The direction of sales is navigated by conversation. Good chatbots can help you expand your enterprise efficiently and effectively. Ensure that your chat flow is a conversation, not a targeted ad. After all, people make or break businesses.  

Train your chatbot

Train your chatbot

Training your chatbot to have customer conversations can help you solve regular and repetitive queries. You can select common questions and prepare your bot to identify them and formulate a response for them. You must remember to train your bot for various queries and not just general FAQs.  

Consider using Facebook Messenger

Consider using Facebook Messenger

There are over 300,000 active chatbots on Facebook Messenger and 150,000 accounts on the natural language system. You can build your bot even if you don't know how to code. There are third-party solutions also available for developing your Facebook Messenger bot, like BotPenguin.    

Deciding on what your bot will do for your customers is an important task. Whichever task you choose to accomplish, the ultimate goal is to enhance your marketing.

Set aside finances for your bot

Set aside finances for your bot

A chatbot is an investment for your enterprise's customer service, so deciding beforehand on how much you're willing to spend on it is essential. When using third-party software, look for affordable pricing plans that fit your budget.    

For example, BotPenguin's free plan provides you with a single bot, month-long data storage, and 2,000 messages. You can choose whether the free plan will be sufficient or if you need a paid premium, depending on your needs and company size.  

You must act quickly

You must act quickly!

The longer you operate without a chatbot, the higher the risk of losing prospects and sales. You are adding the bot to your customer service team to accelerate query responses and bring in leads.    

Look up a customer service software that includes chatbot features and gives your business a boost. BotPenguin is a great option that provides you with AI-based chatbot features and has excellent free plans. An effective chatbot is an essential part of every booming business today. Beyond ensuring effective responses, your chatbot must be able to communicate effectively and efficiently with your visitors.    

Setting up a chatbot and training it repeatedly will be a process. However, when you see those conversions booming. All this effort is worth it!   

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Table of Contents

  • 5 Tips for including chatbots in customer service